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ファーウェイが中国移動福建省による世界初の通信事業者向けクラウド VR のリリースを支援

世界初のオペレーター クラウド VR サービスは、中国移動福建省によって最近開始されました。 (福建モバイル) ファーウェイおよびその他のパートナーと. インテリジェントな未来のための AND クラウド VR の発表は、スマート ホーム ビデオ サービスにおける AND クラウド VR のアプリケーションを祝いました, およびそれに伴う光ブロードバンドのアップグレード 100 Mbit/sから 1000 Mbit/秒.

The president of Fujian Mobile said to ensure customers enjoyed the ultimate user experience the company built premium 100M and 1000M optical broadband networks in partnership with Huawei and industry partners. Fujian Mobile has established a set of VR technologies and service systems covering platforms, networks, terminals, and content, enabling it to launch the AND Cloud VR video service for home users. The service offers VR live broadcast, VR video on-demand, VR Imax, VR games, and VR education so users can immerse themselves in concerts, sports events, blockbuster movies, and educational courses from the comfort of their homes.

According to Fujian Mobile, AND Cloud VR leverages the computing power offered by cloud GPU rendering and cloud-based server architecture. The technologies ensure stable transmission of video streams and a high precision image display while reducing requirements on the hardware computing capability of VR head-mounted displays (HMDs). This reduces VR hardware costs by 70% 宛先 80% and the technology is cable free. Fujian Mobile has constructed a new high-quality communication networks to support the service. Available bandwidths are 50M, 100M, and 1000M. The 1000M FTTH and smart home Wi-Fi technologies eliminate stalling and interruption in cloud VR and 4K video services.

Zeng Xingyun, President of Huawei Network Product Line, said that video, including VR, has always been a core Huawei strategy. Huawei is committed to enabling operators to succeed in the video business. To support cloud VR services, Huawei has helped operators innovate technical solutions at the system architecture level, which in turn, enables innovation in future services and business models.

Huawei will work with operators to build end-to-end networks to provide an optimal experience for video services, which are provided as basic services. Huawei will also help operators build cloud-based and converged video platforms, open up video capabilities, and build a mature ecosystem.

The launch of AND Cloud VR, which is the first pilot commercial deployment of operator VR services, marks a milestone in home video services and optical broadband. Huawei will continue its commitment to work with partners to facilitate the ongoing development of the video and VR industry.




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