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Система хранения данных Huawei с расширенными возможностями гибридного облака ускоряет трансформацию корпоративного облака

На 15-м Глобальном саммите аналитиков Huawei, В Huawei рассказали, как повысить эффективность и удобство облака для большего числа предприятий и использовать технологии искусственного интеллекта для цифровой трансформации.

Майкл Исса, Старший директор по управлению продуктами хранения Huawei, announced in a speech at the IT Infrastructure and Cloud Track that Huawei Storage now offers enhanced hybrid cloud capabilities. The enhancement will better support the vision of Huawei Storage: ”Data on Demand”.

Майкл Исса, Huawei’s Storage Product Management Dept. Senior Director, presented a speech

Huawei helps enterprises use storage resources as cloud services, and supports moving mission-critical services to the cloud without any modification. That is, data is streamlined on- and off-premises. The enhanced hybrid cloud capabilities of Huawei Storage include:

  • Backup: With the built-in backup feature, a storage system can back up data to the public cloud without a backup server. Более того, data can be quickly and easily restored on the cloud, reducing the TCO.
  • Disaster recovery: On-premises enterprise storage can interconnect with the Dedicated Enterprise Storage Service (DESS) of HUAWEI CLOUD to implement remote disaster recovery, helping those enterprises working on a tight budget quickly build a disaster recovery center.
  • Data aggregation: Companies can replicate local data to a public cloud and perform Big Data analysis without having to build a Big Data analysis platform.
  • Management: On-premises and off-premises storage resources are managed in a unified manner. Data can flow freely between local data centers and the public cloud, simplifying operations.

В 2016, Huawei started to develop their storage solution for hybrid cloud. OceanStor BCManager, a management software of Huawei, can back up data to a public cloud, so that users do not need to build an independent backup data center. In March 2017, Huawei officially released the Storage as a Service (STaaS) solution to centrally manage storage devices such as SAN, NAS, and object storage on one interface, helping enterprises consolidate storage systems into resource pools and providing intelligent data and O&M management.

В сентябре 2017, Huawei released the industry’s first DESS that supports moving mission-critical enterprise services to public cloud without any modification. В настоящее время, with the enhanced storage capabilities designed for hybrid clouds, Huawei further optimizes the interaction between and unified management of online and offline resources to provide better service experience for customers.

Настоящее время, Huawei Storage is serving more than 8,000 customers in over 150 Стран. With the vision ofData on Demandand comprehensive product capabilities, Huawei Storage is dedicated to providing service capabilities that meet requirements of each type of enterprise applications, constructing data service platforms oriented to cloud data centers, and helping customers achieve agile cloud transformation.



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